Free use of the Barbican on offer

York-based groups, clubs and community organisations are invited to apply for a concessionary day’s hire of York Barbican next year.

The council is offering the concessionary days as part of its lease agreement with the Barbican’s operators, SMG. We’re interested in hearing from organisations which would like to take up one of the two opportunities available in 2020.

To be eligible to apply for a concessionary day, proposed events should:

  • Provide activities or entertainment that appeals to the widest cross-section of the local community
  • Be open and accessible to all with no restricted access
  • Promote the council’s objectives of residents having good quality opportunities, access to community facilities and being listened to
  • and, where possible, enhance campaigns or programmes being delivered by the council and our partners.

Priority will be given to events that:

  • Have a high-quality programme
  • Engage communities e.g. through participation opportunities for local residents.

The successful organisations won’t have to pay rental fees or charges for backstage and front of house facilities, technical equipment, front of house management or stewarding.  However, the concessionary days will not cover items such as box office and credit card commission, marketing and additional staff for duties such as loading and unloading production equipment.

Events that are primarily designed to be fund-raisers are not supported.

For further information about the Barbican concessionary days email Please submit any applications by Tuesday 5 March 2019 to the same email address. Applicants will be informed of the outcome promptly after that date.