Acomb play equipment labelled “dangerous”

Weeds overwhelming play equipment

Weeds overwhelming play equipment

Aerial wire broken

Aerial wire broken


Play equipment in Grange Lane, Acomb has been labelled as “dangerous” by parents due a lack of maintenance.

Earlier today two pieces of play equipment were unusable with one – a wire ride – potentially hazardous for users.

Weeds and nettles were growing up through another piece of equipment making use impractical.



The area was badly littered.

The council has been heavily criticised in the past for failing to secure the playground against dogs.

Fouling continues to be an issue.





Community hub set to grow in Acomb

City of York Council is starting new drop-in sessions as part of its support for a very successful community-led project being run from a church in Acomb.

Lidget Grove

The sessions will be held at Lidgett Grove Methodist Church which is developing into a community hub. There, council officers will offer information and advice to local people on housing issues, anti-social behaviour or housing-related debt, as well as offering advice and information to anyone wanting to get more involved in the community. These will run on Wednesday mornings between 9.30 and 11.30am from Wednesday 9 July.


The church’s work started by setting up a very successful Community Café inspired by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s work on loneliness: what causes it and how to combat it. In Carr the main causes of loneliness were aging, family issues, not knowing neighbours, a lack of community facilities and chances to get involved with the community. Among the solutions identified were establishing a central location where people can find information, meet others and get support and services.

In summer 2013, a community café offering company and activities started up as a pilot scheme. It was so well-supported and popular that it carried on and now runs every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30am.

York’s public conveniences’ refurbishment set to start

Work on a £663,000 refurbishment of York’s public conveniences starts on Monday

The contractor Healthmatic will take over the refurbishment and maintenance of facilities in the city centre and Acomb to both improve cleanliness and disabled access, while making required savings of £75,000.

Work at the Union Terrace car and coach park will start on Monday 24 March, and temporary facilities will be installed next door, with no charge for entry during refurbishment.

Acomb toilets

Acomb toilets

At Nunnery Lane car park, work will start on Monday 31 March. The men’s facilities will remain open and the night-time toilet and accessible toilet will be temporarily available for women, again with no charge for entry during refurbishment. Both projects will complete in early May.

Upgrading will take place at the public toilets on Acomb’s Front Street, Coppergate, Exhibition Square, Tanner Row and those at the car parks on Nunnery Lane and St George’s Field. Besides improvements to the Silver Street toilets which already includes a Changing Place disabled facility, an additional Changing Place will be built as part of the refurbishment at Union Terrace car park’s toilets.


Call to save advice sessions in Acomb

Acomb branch office closed by Labour in 2012

Acomb branch office closed by Labour in 2012

Liberal Democrat Councillor Lynn Jeffries is calling on Labour run York Council to guarantee that housing advice sessions in West York will continue despite funding cuts.

When Labour closed Acomb Housing Office in February 2012 they were forced to set-up alternative advice sessions at Foxwood and Chapelfields community centres. The weekly sessions offer residents help on housing, housing benefits and Council Tax support as well as on issues such as anti-social behaviour.

However, after Labour slashed funding to community centres the sessions are now in doubt. Cuts mean caretakers at the centres have been made redundant and therefore there is no longer a second member of staff on hand to ensure that the sessions can continue – a second staff member is needed due to lone worker regulations.


Latest Planning applications Acomb and Westfield Wards

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield and Acomb Wards.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference



Location:       2 Almsford Road York YO26 5HZ

Proposal:       Two storey side extension and porch to front

Ref No: 14/00269/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Paul Nicholas        Contact:        Mr Kevin Bristowe       Consultation Expiry Date:       10 March 2014Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       7 Church Gate York YO26 5BW

Proposal:       Single storey rear extension

Ref No: 14/00324/FUL

Applicant:      Mrs Edwards     Contact:        Howard Berry    Consultation Expiry Date:       10 March 2014Case Officer:   Will Steel      Expected Decision Level:        DEL



Location:       88 Wetherby Road Acomb York YO26 5BY

Proposal:       Single storey side and rear extension

Ref No: 14/00232/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Tim Ireland  Consultation Expiry Date        10 March 2014 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       Leeds And Holbeck Building Society 49 York Road Acomb York YO24 4LN

Proposal:       Display of 1no internally illuminated fascia sign and 1no internally illuminated projecting sign

Ref No: 14/00243/ADV

Applicant:      Leeds Buillding Society Contact Joanne Goodaire Consultation Expiry Date        10 March 2014 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

Former Acomb kebab house seeks alcohol license

The Council has received an application for a premise license for 2 Front Street (which used to be a Kebab house).

If approved, the application suggests that it would be open between 4:00pm and either midnight or 1:00am.

The application would permit take away sales of alcohol.

Residents have until 4th March to table any objections.

Details read here

Latest planning applications for Acomb and Westfield Wards

Additional classrooms planned for Carr Junior School

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield and Acomb Wards.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference



Address 42A The Green Acomb York

Proposal Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 (13/01285/FUL)

Reference AOD/14/00022

Application Received Fri 24 Jan 2014 YO26 5LR Status Pending Consideration



Location:       Carr Junior School  Ostman Road York YO26 5QA

Proposal:       Erection of single storey extensions to create 3no. classrooms

Ref No: 14/00025/FUL

Applicant:      Adult, Children And Education   Contact:        Property Services    Consultation Expiry Date:       17 February 2014 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       72 Albion Avenue York YO26 5QY

Proposal:       Two storey side extension

Ref No: 14/00057/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Richard Mccaffrey    Contact:        Mr Derek Marsham        Consultation Expiry Date:       17 February 2014 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       29 Sitwell Grove York YO26 5JG

Proposal:       Erection of single storey extension extending 5 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.3 metres and a total height of 5.5 metres

Ref No: 14/00076/LHE

Applicant:      Mr Peter Nicholson  Consultation Expiry Date:       11 February 2014 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       175 Boroughbridge Road York YO26 6AR

Proposal:       Variation of condition 2 of permitted application 11/03305/FUL to allow one addional surgery

Ref No: 14/00137/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Sanjay Gautam       Consultation Expiry Date:       17 February 2014 Case Officer:   Jonathan Kenyon Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.