Policing news: Special constable recruitment starts, 2 sought after alcohol theft


Special Constable recruitment opens. Make a difference – join the team

North Yorkshire Police is looking to recruit at least 70 new Special Constables during its 2016 recruitment campaign which opens on 4 January.

Specials May 2015

Special Constables are volunteer police officers who have the same uniform and powers as regular (paid) police officers. They volunteer a minimum of 16 hours per month to policing York and North Yorkshire and carry out a full range of operational, front-line duties.

North Yorkshire Police currently has 198 Special Constables and is looking for new recruits to be based in every district of North Yorkshire.

“Specials” as they are known, come from all walks of life and backgrounds which means that they bring with them a whole host of skills and abilities which complement those of their regular (paid) colleagues.

They go through a rigorous training programme before they qualify to go out on the beat where they cover a wide range of duties from policing public events, to attending emergency incidents.

They can also choose to undertake further training and specialise in a particular area of policing such as public order, (policing protests, football matches etc) and roads policing.

Click here to read more

CCTV issued after York alcohol voucher fraud

Police have issued CCTV images of two men they would like to speak to after fraudulent vouchers were used to buy alcohol in York.

CCTV issued after York alcohol voucher fraud 1

At about 5.40pm on 5 November 2015, two men entered the Asda store in Monks Cross, and selected a large amount of alcohol from the shelf, worth about £320. They scanned this through a self-service checkout, and paid for it using a quantity of £5 money-off vouchers. The vouchers were later found to be fraudulent.

Despite extensive enquiries, the men involved have not yet been identified.

Police would like to speak to the two men pictured on CCTV, as they may have important information that could assist the investigation.

CCTV issued after York alcohol voucher fraud 2

Anyone who recognises the men is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police. Please call 101, select option 2, and ask for PC Michael Cooper. You can also email michael.cooper@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Please quote reference number 12150198645 in connection with this incident.

Latest planning applications for the Acomb and Westfield Wards

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Location:       3 Smeaton Grove York YO26 5QG

Proposal:       Two storey side and rear extension

Ref No: 15/02850/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Mark Mason   Consultation Expiry Date:       25 January 2016 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       32 Carr Lane York YO26 5HX

Proposal:       Variation of condition 1 of permitted application 15/00223/FUL to alter external appearance of dwelling including eaves detail, external materials, light wells and window to north elevation, also removal of conditions 3 (materials), 6  (drainage) and 11 (means of enclosure to northern boundary)

Ref No: 15/02844/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Mark Smith   Contact:        David Chapman   Consultation Expiry Date:       25 January 2016 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level:        DEL



Location:       2 Oldman Court York YO24 3NA

Proposal:       Change of use of dwellinghouse (use class C3) to a house in multiple occupation (use class C4)

Ref No: 15/02558/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Wayne Leighton       Contact Mr Chris Long   Consultation Expiry Date        25 January 2016 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       22 Dijon Avenue York YO24 3DD

Proposal:       Single storey side and front extension

Ref No: 15/02821/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Jamie Agnew  Contact Mr Keith England        Consultation Expiry Date        25 January 2016 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Action taken in Westfield: Roundup

Although attention in the City has – rightly – been concentrated on the floods and their aftermath, other areas have also suffered during the recent wet weather.

We have taken up several issues using the Fix My Street web site which we recommend to residents wanting to ask for repairs and improvements.

Several faulty street lights have been reported by Cllr Sheena Jackson over the last few days. These include number 3 in Bellhouse Way. If you report a streetlight please remember to quote the number which is displayed on the lamppost as well as the street name.

A pothole on Foxwood Lane has also been reported by Sheena

A pothole on Foxwood Lane has also been reported by Sheena

Sheena has asked for black bags dumped in the Foxwood Lane hedge to eb removed

Sheena has asked for black bags dumped in the Foxwood Lane hedge to be removed

The wet weather means that more verges like this in Windsor Garth have  been churned up

The wet weather means that more verges like this in Windsor Garth have been churned up

Good news with the salt bin at the junction of Kingsway West and Danesfort Avenue now having been filled

Good news with the salt bin at the junction of Kingsway West and Danesfort Avenue now having been filled

Litter accumuataion on the Titeh Close snicket has been reported

Litter accumulation on the Tithe Close snicket has been reported

Rubbish bad dumped in Teal Drive salt bin

Rubbish bag dumped in Teal Drive salt bin

The little Green Lane garage area continues to deteriorate. The lack of action - the problems were reported 4 months ago - will now be referred to the Ombudsman

The little Green Lane garage area continues to deteriorate. The lack of action – the problems were reported 4 months ago – will now be referred to the Ombudsman

More damaged verges this time in St Stephens Road

More damaged verges this time in St Stephens Road

and again in Kingsway West

and again in Kingsway West

Still no sign of repair to the carriageway in Windsor Garth

Still no sign of repair to the carriageway in Windsor Garth

Good news in Ascot way where an overgrown hedge has been cut back

Good news in Ascot Way where an overgrown hedge has been cut back