Andrew Waller says Council must act on poor road surfaces

York Road poor surface 2

York Road poor surface

The number of complaints about poor road and footpath surfaces is increasing.

The Council has cut a further £300,000 off its resurfacing budget this year, so the only hope for significant improvement would be for a change in political control of the York Council on May 7th.

As we reported 3 years ago one of Labours first acts when taking office locally was to slash the highways maintenance budget.

Meanwhile Westfield Councillor Andrew Waller has called for early attention to road surfaces, like these in Acomb, which are becoming unsafe.


Wetherby Road traffic speeds – residents act

Speed signs Wetherby Road 2

Speed signs Wetherby Road

As we have reported before, residents are becoming irritated by the large proportion of drivers who are activating the 30 mph warning signs.

There have been no police checks on speeds for several years with the road excluded from the list of mobile camera sites.

A few weeks ago the Police launched their self help speed monitor but it is a time consuming and often ineffective way of controlling speeds.

There is a particular problem on Wetherby Road as residents need to reverse into their driveways and visibility is limited.

The Council has made provision in its budget to refresh the flashing Vehicle Activated Signs but when this will happen remains to be seen.

Meanwhile more basic signs have appeared on the road.

Wetherby Road VAS

Wetherby Road VAS