Absence in York schools amongst lowest in the country

Figures released by Department for Education (DfE) show that levels of attendance in City of York schools continue to be amongst the very best nationally.

The DfE figures revealed that only 3.2 per cent of pupils in York were regarded as persistent absentees [absent for 15 or more per cent of their lessons], a reduction from 5 per cent for the same period in 2012-13.

York Council web site crashes again

Not for the first time, the Council’s web site has been unavailable to residents this weekend.


The Council was heavily criticised a few weeks ago when it failed to use social media effectively to keep residents up to date on progress being made following a similar loss of service.

Now no one has even bothered to put a note on their Facebook page or to use Twitter

It is an important issue as many residents seek to use the online functions – for example to pay bills – at the weekend when they have spare time available.

It is also the cheapest way for the Council to process contact with its customers.

Sadly the failure  is all to typical of the Councils muddled priorities