York Police take action to stop internet fraud

Cyber-CrimeAction Fraud – the central point of contact for reporting fraud and financially motivated internet crime.

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From Monday 25th March 2013, the four police forces of Yorkshire and the Humber will join the rest of the UK’s police forces in launching Action Fraud; the central point of contact for reporting fraud and financially motivated internet crime.

Action Fraud is being launched nationally on 1st April 2013, but from the 25th March members of the public from across Yorkshire and the Humber will be encouraged to report fraud and internet scams directly to Action Fraud via www.actionfraud.police.uk/ or by calling 0300 123 2040.

The four forces have been working together to ensure that the new reporting system is adopted consistently across the region and, in doing so, remain committed to tackling fraud, scams and con-artists at a local and regional level.


Mansion House Easter events

The Mansion House is hosting an programme of chocolate-themed events this Easter as part of the York Chocolate Festival.

York Cocoa House will be on hand to teach a variety of classes suitable for both adults and children, including how to make an Easter chocolate nest; make and decorate your own chocolate Easter egg and a chocolate truffle torte that you can take home and enjoy.

Children can also take part in the Lord Mayor’s Easter Egg Hunt, where they will be given six clues that will lead to places around the city centre, with a chocolate surprise awaiting them at each one.

For adults, the Whisky Shop is holding a chocolate and whisky tasting, where guests can compare flavours and textures to find the ideal combination of the two.

Ever wondered what was in St Helen’s square before the Mansion House? Or what shops used to be in the square? The Mansion House will host ‘The quest for a Mansion, with views fit for a Lord’. The event will see local historian Ivan Martin exploring the background to the establishment of the Mansion House, Guildhall & council chamber and the history of the development of St. Helen’s Square.

There is also the chance to visit the Georgian Mansion House and see the staterooms, before heading to the kitchen to witness the Victorian Cook in full swing creating tasty chocolate treats. The cook will be portrayed by Dr Annie Gray, a food historian, who will explain the Victorian way of cooking and food preparation.

The Lord Mayor of York, Cllr Keith Hyman, said: “York is well known for being a chocolate city, and the Chocolate Festival is one of the highlights of the year. Over at the Mansion House we have a great programme of events with something for everyone to get involved in.”

For more information on tickets, prices and how to book click here


List of planning applications received by the York Council between 18th – 22nd Mar

Below is the latest list of planning applications received by the York Council. Full details can be found by quoting the application reference on the “planning portal” web site. Click here.

Representations can also be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the planning portal.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.


• Ref No: 13/00531/ADV Location: 65 – 71 York Road Acomb York YO24 4LN Proposal: Display of internally illuminated fascia, projecting sign and ATM signs Applicant: Lloyds Banking Group Contact Mr Greg Miller Consultation Expiry Date 15 April 2013 Case Officer: Victoria Bell Expected Decision Level DEL

• Ref No: 13/00581/FUL Location: 54 Green Lane Acomb York YO24 4PS Proposal: Conversion of existing flat into 2no. flats with external alterations including rear spiral stair and walkway and rear dormer Applicant: Mr Graham Plunton Contact Mr J Funnell Consultation Expiry Date 15 April 2013 Case Officer: Jonathan Kenyon Expected Decision

York – successful or failing?

The current council administration inherited a City economy that had been transformed over the previous decade.

Diversification had made the City more resilient to changes in the national economy, unemployment levels were below national and regional levels, the property market was relatively buoyant while dozens of local development sites had been granted planning permission.

2 years later many of the sites with outstanding planning permission have stalled.

Derwenthorpe - One of York's few recent development  success stores

Derwenthorpe – One of York’s few recent development success stores

Only developments that had already started in 2011, have been pushed through to a conclusion. These include institutional development linked to an expanding higher education sector as well as some social housing at sites like Derwenthorpe.

In response, the Council appears to have adopted a headless chicken response, despatching ill defined missions to Korea, Paris, Cannes and China in an attempt to be seen to be doing something.

The £25,000 Cannes trip has been reported as producing “leads” to 30 potential investors – but no firm commitments.

You know politicians are getting desperate when they feel that they have to sloganise an initiative. So after “Get York Moving” (the City is still moving at much the same speed it has managed for the last 15 years) we now have “Get York Building”.

The initiative has been greeted with derision by many small builders who were cynically excluded from the talks which led up to its launch, while opposition Councillors have been excluded from the “Board” which has been formed to oversee it.

So where are we with key development sites in the City?

This is a summary.

Monks Cross South (retail and new Stadium) – Delayed by 6 months (Great Crested Newts) . Unlikely to open before 2015 (retail) and 2016 (stadium)

Hungate – Developers unable to proceed with stage 2 because of onerous planning conditions

Germany Beck – In delay due to court action. Unlikely to start until 2014 at earliest.

Derwenthorpe – Phase 1 completed. No confirmation of when remaining phases will be started.

York Central – stalled

Castle – Piccadilly – stalled

University of York – Heslington East – on schedule

Terry’s stalled. Site on market for sale again

Nestlé South – stalled

British Sugar – Slow progress. No planning application expected before autumn