York’s sports clubs invited to get set for York Gold 2012

To mark the London 2012 Games, City of York Council is inviting local sports clubs and fitness organisations to take part in an exciting programme of events to be held across the city this summer.

York’s celebrations for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics will kick off on 19 June when the Olympic Torch Relay passes though York. The relay will mark the beginning of a series of Sports Club Open Days followed by Celebrating Ability Day at Energise on 24 August, the Just 30 Fair on 15 September and ending with the Eng-AGE 50+ games on 1 October.

The clubs can sign up to help welcome the Olympic Torch Relay to York by celebrating along its route, or they can hold a stall and give taster sessions at the Just 30 Fair, or they can take part in the Eng-AGE 50+ Games.

All the events are free to participate in and the council can support clubs with the organisation, promotion and hosting of some of the events.

Any sports or fitness organisation wanting to become part of York Gold 2012 should contact Neil Gulliver on 01904 553377 or email neil.gulliver@york.gov.uk

“What’s on in York” March – June

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More information
Minster http://www.yorkminster.org/calendar/ tel. 0844 939 0015
York Theatre Royal info@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk tel (01904) 623568
York Barbican http://www.yorkbarbican.co.uk tel. 0844 854 2757
Grand Opera House www.grandoperahouseyork.org.uk tel. 0844 847 2322
Visit York http://www.visityork.org/ tel. 01904 550099
Yortime www.yortime.org.uk

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