Police release images of York antique theft suspects

Police in York have released images of two men they would like to trace following the theft of antiques.

They were caught on camera in the antique shop at about 1.20pm on Saturday 12 November 2011. The men are suspected of forcing open a display case before stealing its contents.

The stolen property includes a 12in silver shell tray, five sets of silver sugar tongs, a rectangular Georgian silver tray, a 0.33 carat diamond ring and two diamond ring each with three stones.

PC Hazel Simms, of York Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “I would like to speak to anyone who either recognises the men featured in the images or has been offered any property matching the description of the stolen items.

“If you can help with this investigation I ask that you contact the police or Crimestoppers as soon as possible.”

Anyone who can help the police with this enquiry is asked to contact Sergeant Martin Metcalfe of York Police on 101. Press option 2 and ask for Martin Metcalfe by name.

Or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting reference number 12110191984.


Residents awaiting the start of Ward Committee funded schemes to improve their local area look set to be disappointed, after it emerged that City of York Council’s Labour Cabinet are planning to axe a number of schemes planned for this year.

The Council’s Cabinet are attempting to claw back any money from Ward Committees that hasn’t yet been spent, even if it has been committed to a project. The move means that many schemes chosen by local residents to be funded by their local Ward Committee will have to be scrapped in order to help the Labour Cabinet deal with their inability to control overspending.

Councillor Nigel Ayre, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion said many residents would be surprised and disappointed to find out schemes were being cut this year.
He said, “When Labour took control of the Council they were very keen to highlight how they planned to ‘reverse £1m of cuts’ to the Council budget. They even used their budget amendment to give Ward Committees some extra money.”

“Yet, now the headlines from that particular stunt have subsided, residents are finding out that Labour are in fact about to force an in year cut to Ward Committee budgets.”

“The Liberal Democrat Executive left Labour with a balanced budget and a £360,000 underspend from last year. Labour chose to spend that money and are now struggling to keep within this year’s budget.”
“If they hadn’t gone on their reckless spending spree just after the election they would have been able to use that underspend to deal with budget pressures. Instead residents are now having to suffer because Labour haven’t taken care of the Council’s finances.”

Councillor Ayre said many of the scrapped schemes were unlikely to be revived with funding from of next year’s Ward Committee budgets. He said, “The current indications are that Labour are planning to reduce Ward Committee budgets by at least 50% next year, and if the follow the advice of their Fairness Commission they will be scrapped completely.”

“Therefore there will be very little money available and many of the schemes that Labour are cutting this year may now never be completed. York residents and community groups are now paying the price for Labour’s financial mismanagement.”

Coalition governments £258,000 transport boost for York

The Chancellor announced an additional one off allocation of £50m for Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS) in the Autumn Statement.

York will receive £258k in 2011/12. This is in addition to the £20 million allocated for the new park and ride sites and the £4 million to stimulate sustainable transport use in north east York.

Subject to a decision by Council the ITS funding could be used to support a number of projects including Reinvigorate York and kick starting the Access York (phase 1) project which will see two new park and ride sites established on the west and north of the City. Hopefully the “Reinvigorate York” money will be allocated to a worthwhile scheme such as the paving of Duncombe Place, rather than more gimmicks like the “Wi Fi” zone in Coney Street.

Separately the council has announced minor changes to the work that will be undertaken on transport projects in the City during the current year.

• Reduced allocation for the Fishergate (Pedestrian Route to Barbican) scheme, which will be delivered over the year-end.

• Reduced allocation for the James Street Link Road Phase 2 scheme, as planning approval has not yet been granted for the scheme.

• Reduced allocations for some schemes in the public transport block, due to the lower cost of feasibility work in 2011/12.

• Reduced allocations for some of the cycle scheme development work, due to the lower costs of feasibility work in 2011/12.

• Amendment allocations for schemes in the Schools Schemes block, following a review of progress and predicted costs in 2011/12.

• CYC funding for City Walls Restoration slipped to 2012/13, as the works will not be carried out in 2011/12.

• Reduced allocation for the 20mph Limit Scheme £100k – Development & Implementation, Thankfully Council officials have said additional time is required to ensure the most effective policy is developed and to enable the trial schemes to be delivered. The funding has been reduced from £100k to £20k.