One way system backed for Gladstone Street and Milner Street

Residents responding to our door to door survey have endorsed the idea of having a one way system in Gladstone Street and Milner Street. The proposal will now be considered by the Council on 6th July.

Residents in Beaconsfield Street and School Street opted to retain 2 way working.

The majority were also opposed to introducing alleygating.

However residents in all streets supported the idea of having a 20 mph speed limit.

The most mentioned issue concerned the new waste collection arrangements.

Please  don’t forget to give your opinions on waste collection at the drop in session on Tuesday 25th May in The Gateway Centre (8:00am to 7:00pm) 

Coalition policies backed by Westfield residents

Residents living in the Green Lane, Milner, Gladstone, School and Beaconsfield Street areas have given their views on national and local priorities.

Asked to rate the key policies emerging for the new Coalition government residents rated the following as the most important policies:

1. Workers earning up to £10,000 will not pay any income tax (gradual introduction).

2. Increase basic state pensions from April 2011 with a guarantee that they are raised by the higher of earnings, prices or 2.5%.

3. Real terms extra money for the NHS each year

4. Scrapping plans requiring people to carry ID cards

Asked about local investment priorities, the 3 most popular were:

1. Repairing roads and footpaths

2. Reopening the Barbican concert hall

3. Providing more affordable housing

NB. A decision on the future of the Barbican auditorium will be made in the autumn. Negotiations with potential management companies are currently taking place.

A full copy of the coalition policy prospectus can be found at

Green Lane survey results

VASWe’ve been out this week in the Green Lane area surveying resident’s views on possible changes to traffic arrangements.

With over 50% of forms returned, we had a very good response rate. In summary the results are:

  • Residents support the provision of a speed indicator sign similar to that provided on Wetherby Road. (see photo)
  • Resident’s have voted, by a large majority, not to have traffic calming measures installed (either speed cushions or speed tables) on Green Lane.
  • Residents are also opposed to the provision of an off carriageway cycle path (although this wouldn’t have been practical on most of the length of the lane anyway because of the trees)

It is likely that the sign, together with the provision of an on carrigeway advisory cycle lane, will be endorsed when the issue is decided by the Council on 6th July.

Separately. residents gave the thumbs up to using the Lowfields school site (the footprint of the former buildings) for use as either elderly persons accommodation or a army cadet HQ. Many residents stressed that they wanted the green area to be retained and improved – possibly with part of it being used as a nature reserve. It is likely to be several months before any proposals are put forward for this site. 

The issue raised by the largest number of residents concerned poor parking near the Fish and Chip shop. It is likely that there will be more enforcement action taken in the area.